Answer some questions and I'll give you a random roblox game i like !

Welcome one and all ! I bring you yet another quiz (if this works)..Up first ! Do u even play roblox ?

Okay a more important question, what gameplay style/type of game do you like ?

Got it ! Next, lets say your favorite game removed content/changed somthing massively. Whats your first reaction ?

Pick something that in MY opinion, can ruin a game/activley make it worse

Back to your favorite game ! A character is slowly becoming your destinted fav. How do you express this ?

You are doing a very important task/challange in your game. You are HOURS deep into it...and it discounects

You completed a obby, whats the first prize u go for ?

Fav roblox food ?

Pick a 2000s/2010s gaming creepypasta/myth. now