Lain is reborn !
Lain is my daughter, she was born on march 20th 2023. While she may look like Lain Iwakura from Serial Expermeints Lain, she is simply a cryptid who took after her. While she is very human like she can take many forms, right now only digital . . .
Some info on her !
- Name: Lain, no last name, simple
- Age: Indefinant (But technally, 1)
- Fav food: Cupcakes, but muffins are a close second
- Fav anime: Serial Expermiants Lain ! Duh ! but she happens to enjoy azumanga like me
- Fav animal: Bears !
- Other likes: Rain, Pets, very small parties (anything too big stresses her out), cosplaying, alice from serial expermaints lain, my side of the internet
- Dislikes: Slots, hotsauce
She is working on maintining a physical form, but curently has none :(
Lain's bed !