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This along with pages is currently unfinshed, along with that personal info may be here lol !

May 2024

Updates for 5/30/24

Last day of skool for thiz year yippie ! I am so tired and burnout itz hard to do anything . Took my Oswald Numio, Mickey numio and felix fig to skool for buddiez . Not excited abt summer or anythin, just glad 2 be done . . . Will try to update but may take a break (update: almost got in trouble for not wantin to take class photoz :[)

Updates for 5/24/24

So Tired RGGHH Luckily just 3 and a half more finalz to go . WE ARE PUBLIC ! Didn't have enough time to finish the header on the main page but at least itz color corrected Wanna focuz on 2022 art page and spacehey page rn I got 2 meet 3 stray catz, very happi about that but now i am in class bored since i am all alone lol . Begging to skip the last day since i'll have nothing 2 do Also 111 for viewz cute ! lol

Updates for 5/21/24

THE MAIN PAGE IS ALMOT DONE IM SO EXCITED ! ! ! I ADDED A CHATBOX TOO WOOHOO ! Bad newz iz i will be sick prob 8-6 more weekz :( Thatz what the UC doctor said . I hate coughin fitz >:( But thingz are lookin up !

Updates for 5/20/24

Finalz suckkk, still sick and my chronic sinusitis hatez me so itz worse. I can't stop coughing and i can't smell anythin, and my ear hurtz because of pressure RAGGHH . Anyway, currently trying to find meaning in the ww2 homefront and make a moral so i don't fail history ah . Also have like 3 drawingz i am working on :') sorry for the rant just needed to get that stuff out

Updates for 5/15/24

My sick sitution escalted, i anit gonna die but it still suckz :( but only around 10 dayz of skool left ! ! Main page is almost done too!

Updates for 5/14/24

I am pretty burnt out and i got sick, but i will make it to finalz, AND HEY ! I GOT INTO PRODUCT DESIGN OFR NEXT YEAR ! ! ! Yippie ! Mostly just need to organize art pages and main page before public DOUBLE YIPPIE !

April 2024

Updates for 4/29/24

Not feelin very good, may be inactive :( My brain is fried and i feel dead UPADATE: feel a little better just overworked from skool, any1 know if i can make the gifypetz smaller but still able 2 see everythin ?

Updates for 4/23/24 :3

None much sadly, they aren't letting use use computers as much rn at my school, amd summer is i am focusing on getting a lisences . . . I made some new CROB art and adopted Timekeep so thats nice though :3