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Welcome to mah blog !

This layout is based on 'kawaii collage' by sugarpurr

But made by Sadgirl/goblin heart

This will be updates on site + my life a lil, not consistant

Feed my daughters before you read the blog. shes 1 year old now w her new sister is 5 monthz !


Updates for 9/18/24

Currently in our game room, THE COMPUTTER SCREEN IS SO BIG!!!!! Im in a pretty good mood despite the circumstances rn at my school, We got a threat against us so we have to be on high alert. working on da zite along w art, also got my lil bro into dogman >:]

Lazt zong liztened 2: Cat hackz - Lemon Demon

Updatez for 9/16/24

Zuper tired, neocitez waz down for an hour here :( but i get it, big load. Hyperfix iz batman but moztly riddler ! I loved the alfred hozpital zcene along w the prizon one !!! I probably zhould clean my room though . . .

Lazt zong liztened to: Babooshka - Kate bush

Updatez for 9/11/24

Fires are close where i live, may everyone who live near the fires be safe, and most importantly, never forget. 9/11

Updatez for 9/9/24

Eeepy, ztill no batman, i mean itz a long movie afterall...AND THE DANG CALIFORNIA WEATHER!!!!!!!!! Itz hot, storming, windy, hailing, and it all smellz like smoke :( I saw beetlejuice 2 though, super fun! I enjoyed it even though i didn't get to finish..Delores is so pretty<3 I finshed all my product design class work and i hope to work on some stuff rn. I want the site to have more darker colorz and such.

Lazt zong liztened to: One x - Three days grace

Updatez for 9/4/24

Feelingh better, batman watchinmg got postponed tho :( I'm very eepy. I juzt wanna take melatonin sleep all day.But i carry on. In product desgin right now, i may share my work from this class but idk !!! Urge 2 make a watchlist on here and new favicon

Lazt zong liztened to: Dead girl walking (REPRISE) - Heathers the musical

Updatez for 8/31/24

i habe felt off all day and now paranoid, bur my friemd got me into watxhing the batman 2022 tommorw. i feel dizzy and overdramatic but dread i kimda hate thiz aaaaaaaaa

Updates for 8/30/24

I zpoke 2 zoon carzhow trip kinda got cancelled lol, ztill goin zomewhere zo itz fine. Miku'z birthday tmrw but no motivation 2 draw (saving it for thr date). I really need 2 fix the blog lol, i wanna add more darker colorz 2 my site zince i prefer themes of black and rainbowz zorta. Adobe illistator iz intrezting but fruztrating 2 learn lmao

Lazt zong liztened to: American idiot - Green day

Updates for 8/29/24

Today haz been okay zo far, zome1 i know iz recovering zo i wanna vizit her zoon :) The annual car zhow near me iz thiz weeken zo excited ! Bezidez the heat, but itz fun ! I lov getting the pluzhiez. While i have horriable driving anxiety, id love to drive to the beach by myself and chill. I love and hate the beach, but juzt a nice thought ^_^

Last song listened to: Break - Alex G

Updates for 8/26/24

Neagitve hellhole strikes again but for better, herez some postive thingz sorta or even netural. Ive been relistening to heathers the musical over and over again, that and MR brightside. I ate some yummy choclate, the school hasn't got to neocites, i have ideas so while no motivation at least i have ideas. If M somehow sees this i love ya and i miss ya i hope school starting goes well!!!!!

Updates for 8/19/24

Yknow i REALLY need to be less negitve, so here i try. Im excited for halloween, getting switched to product desgin, sice it turns out the class ive been out in was flim. Also excited for potentailly toaster brains 3! Eddsworld focus is bad, i have so much fanart saved. Ive chatting with my friend more, so thats good!!!!!! Good things DO happen and i just get stuck in a negitve hellhole. My spelling is horrible. I need a new watermark, to work on here asnd draw, thats it. if only i could not have thoughts.

Updatez for 8/05/24

I hate ai art, no i dont wanna use souless bullshit when ive been trying to improve my art for 10 yearz. So desgin class was ruined, everyother teacher feels like a piece of bread, that was mean, but i dunno how else 2 describe it, and artblock is killing me

Updatez for 7/26/24

Summer iz werid, i feel so unmotivated at timez, and i end up just rotting away in my bed, yet i hate school and almsot everyone there. I dunno. I feel my drawing motivation lessen in summer alot. And motivation in gen honestly. Finding backgroundz have been the hardest part for updating the site, ehen i try to create one its gets too pixilated or it dosent loop right. Remember i am doing this all on my ipad till school where i can code on chromebookz. I love my ipad but itz not ideal for thiz site. I had a scare like a month ago and deleted all the panic talk i did. Im very lucky, anyway, see yall

Updatez for 6/4/24

the urge to delete everything

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